Co - Curricular Activities

Besides academics, the school lays full emphasis on various activities.
Provision exists for the following


Drawing & Painting, Craft.


Elocution,Debating and Dramatics.


There is a well-furnished library.


Drill & P.T., Games and Sports, Provision exists for Hockey, Foot-Ball, Cricket, Volley-ball, Basket-ball, Badminton, Table-Tennis, Tenni-Koit, Kho-Kho, Kabbadi, Throw-Ball, Athletics, Martial arts etc.


Computer Science,Science, Arts & Quiz, Mathematics, Sports, Music, General Knowledge & Health.


Film shows and excursions,visits to places of scientific, historical, religious and cultural interest are arranged periodically. Special Certificates will be awarded annually to those, who distinguish themselves in Games, Sports, Leadership, Social Service, Co-Curricular activities, etc.


The Students are trained to hold positions of responsibility. There are school appointments, Class appointments, house appointments etc. The class monitors perform duties assigned to them by the Class Teachers.

The Head boy, Head girl, Games captains and other prefects appointed by the Principal from amongst those, who show qualities of leadership, indeed command a great deal of respect from their fellow students and form a very valuable group of school community.

Thus through these appointments, the school involves students in management and thereby strives to develop a sense of responsibility among them.

At the head of each house are two House Captains, a boy and a girl. A member of the staff assisted by two other Teachers acts as a House Warden. They look after the general progress of their wards in Academics, Games and sports, Co-Curricular activities etc. Since all competitions are held on Inter-House basis, house loyalties are strong. A regular record of student’s participation and achievements is maintained and points are awarded to each house.

In addition to this, Inter-house sports meet and Games and Tournaments are conducted every year.

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